Lifestyle advice

As concerns around eye health become increasingly prevalent in our technology-driven world, the importance of understanding and managing common visual impairments like Myopia (near-sightedness) is more essential than ever. A condition that poses a much greater risk during childhood development, Myopia progression can be significantly slowed down through certain at-home measures, helping individuals lead healthier, more comfortable lives. In this blog post, we’ll delve into 11 straightforward and efficient ways that you, or your loved ones, can take proactive steps towards managing Myopia progression at home. Our eyes are invaluable; let’s protect them in every possible way we can. Don’t wait until the blur is unbearable – take steps now to keep your eyes in top-notch condition!

  1. Regular Eye Examinations: Make sure to get regular eye examinations. This helps monitor your myopia and reduce the risks of complications.
  2. Proper Lighting: When reading or doing close-up work, ensure you have good lighting to avoid straining your eyes.
  3. Eye Rest: Follow the 20-20-20 rule – for every 20 minutes you spend looking at a screen or doing close work, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eye muscles a break and can help to prevent myopia from getting worse.
  4. Balanced Diet: Ensure you have a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E. They are essential for eye health.
  5. Eye Protection: Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Always wear sunglasses with proper UV protection when out in the sun.
  6. Regular Exercise and outdoor activity: Regular physical activity and outdoor activities improve overall health, including eye health.
  7. Control Screen Time: Limit your time on electronic devices like smartphones, virtual reality devices, laptops, or TV as prolonged usage can strain your eyes.
  8. Control close task time: Limit your time spent doing close working tasks such as reading or sewing as these too can strain your eyes when done over long periods without breaks. remember the 20-20-20 rule above.
  9. Use Correct Prescription: Always use the correct prescription for your glasses or contact lenses. Avoiding using them or using the wrong prescription can strain your eyes more.
  10. Blink Often: Blink frequently when you read or when you use a computer to maintain moisture. You can also use recommended moisturising eyedrops
  11. Adequate Sleep: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Good rest allows your eyes to heal and recover from the strain during the day.

The below resource links also contain useful facts about Myopia and the ways that you can help promote a healthy visual environment.

There is a lot information available on – Talks about near & outdoor time.

You can also find further professional clinical details about Myopia in the following article:

For more information on myopia or to book an eye examination please get in touch by calling or submitting an examination request here.

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